
Process diagrams



Account structure Account structure Account structure
Access rights Access rights Access rights
Inscription/preinscription Inscription/preinscription Inscription/preinscription
Events Events Events
Invitation Invitation Invitation
Preparation of tournaments Preparation_Of_Tournaments Preparation of tournaments
Rankings Rankings Rankings
Club preinscription    


  1. Home/Dashboard
  2. Calendar widget
  3. Function

All access content

  1. Calendar
  2. Rankings
  3. Results
  4. Biographies


  1. Register/Setup user
  2. Login/Request password
  3. Edit user
  4. Logout


  1. Entries
  2. Referee entries
  3. Offical Coach entries
  4. Payment procedure
  5. Pre-entries


  1. Home
  2. My Account
  3. My data
  4. Documents
  5. Planner
  6. Invites
  7. Travel expenses
  8. Social media
  9. License/Membership


  1. Home
  2. My Account
  3. Referee exchange


  1. Home
  2. My Account
  3. Examiner

Ophardt Touch

My Club

  1. Home
  2. My events
  3. Create invitations
  4. Looking for referees
  5. My pre-entries
  6. My exams
  7. Accreditation (bookable
  8. Invoices (incoming)
  9. My incoming entry payments
  10. Athletes
  11. Transfer to another club
  12. Teams
  13. Referees
  14. Officials
  15. License/Membership
  16. Clubs
  17. Access rights
  18. Pending user requests
  19. Privacy commitment
  20. Download entries
  21. Result upload
  22. Result upload match athletes,teams,referees

Regional/National Federation

  1. Home
  2. My Federation
  3. Travel expense reports
  4. Invoices/Payments
  5. My rankings
  6. Invitation text blocks
  7. Officials list
  8. Federations
  9. Selections
  10. Competition manager
  11. License payment management
  12. Invites textblocks
  13. Invites officials
  14. Planer

National/International Federation (IWAS)

  1. Classifier
  2. Classification
  3. Enter Classification

Links IWAS

  1. Calendar
  2. Classifications
  3. Referees

Links Fencing

  1. Referees


  1. Federation
  2. Rankings
  3. Pointkey
  4. Pointkey group
  5. Quotas
  6. Master tournaments
  7. Entry deadline
  8. Standard invitation
  9. Tournament classes
  10. Tournament groups
  11. Format specifications
  12. Referee license levels
  13. Contact groups
  14. Basic data