
Please select my federation / athletes to find the complete list of all athletes of your federation. The ID, gender, date of birth, nationality, club and the region will be visible as far as the information is available. 
Datei:Screenshot (148).png

Blue = athlete is active

Yellow = athlete is inactive
M = Male
F = Female

Behind the athlete you can find several ICON s   Datei:Screenshot (150).png

The functions are:

Datei:einladung nein.png = send an invitation to the athlete/referee/umpire to register to the system. Please make shure the email adress is entered under edit.

Datei:einaldungun bestätigt.png    = Invitation has been send, but is no confirmed. Athlete/referee/umpire has not registered to the system.

Datei:Einladung bestätigt ja.png   = Invitation has been accepted and athlete/referee/umpire has registered to the system.

Datei:Privacy.png  = release or block  the availability of the athletes biographie and picture       Datei:Screenshot (158).png

Datei:Membership 2.png = Check the membership
Datei:Lizenz.png = Check the licenses
Datei:bearbeiten.png = Edit personal data. Your are not allowed to change name or date of birth. In case please enter your change request in the
               field change request on the botom. Those corrections will be handled by the system administrators.
Datei:Bild nein.png = No picture has been upload, please select it to upload your picture
Datei:Bild ja.png = Picture is already upload

Datei:athlete activ.png = athlete is active, click to change to  Datei:inactiv.png = inactive, or the other way around to change from inactive to active

Bildschirmfoto 2019-10-02 um 15.29.29.png = Marks the athlete as deceased.