Quick start

Before preparing the competition with Ophardt Touch, please add the relevant rankings in Ophardt Online.

If further  information/help is needed for any step click on the link behind it.

Please do following steps on Tuesday before the competition:

  1. Activate the competitions in settings. ( 
  2. Go back to "Dashboard".
  3. The time schedule (Begin-, Calltime, Day) is in the top right corner of each competition.
  4. Upload the participants for each competition separately. (
  5. The number of participants will be shown on the right side, 0/109 e.g.

Redo the step 4 again, when the inscription deadline is over.

Please do the following steps on the day of competition

  1. Insert the referees via "Referees". (
  2. Manage participants while using "Scanner" or "Registration Desk". (
  3. Set up the format. (
  4. Create and release the round/DE. (
  5. Print scoresheets via "Referee/Piste assignment", enter results.