
Travel expenses

Select "My federation" and then "Travel expenses reports". There you can manage travel expense types and rates or edit specific report.

If you click on "Add from planer" you can add a travel expense report for someone who where invited via the planer unless they declined the invitation. The same is possible for invitees under "Add from invite".

After the report was created the beneficiary of the report can fill them in themselves. 

The federation can check these reports before authorizing them.

Filling in a travel expense report

Make sure to have a function selected that is allowed to fill in a travel expense report. After this select "My account" and then "travel expenses".

Now you can see all the events for which for which you can fill in a travel expense report. 

Add all relevant tariffs and rates, making sure that all daily expenses have the right amount of days.

After filling in the reports you should print it out and add it to your receipts. 

If any information is missing, you will be informed about it via the red bars at the bottom of the page. If you click on the little symbol in the bar you access a page where you can add in the missing information.