Once you have login as an athlete you can see if you have license and how long the license is valid. Is the page empty you have no license.
Please select my account / license membership if you want to order a license.
The license order depends on the rules of your federation. For example do you need in some cases first the national license before you can order the international license or the test license can only be order once in your sports life.
Select now which license you like to order and select Datei:Screenshot (330).png. If you are allowed to order this license you may tick it.
If you are not allowed to order this type of license you can not tick the license.
Once you have ticked the license add the licenses to your cart Datei:Screenshot (318) 1.png.
Now you can see your license order
Please use now the button Datei:Screenshot (318) 2.png to confirm your license order. Please be aware that if you do have a request later regarding the payment that here the contracting party is shown.
Please handle now the payment Datei:Screenshot (320) 2.png
Select on of the given options. Please be aware that via Paypal you may also use your credit card and if the payment is confirmed from Paypal the license will be released automatically.
Select continue to finalize the process. You may print an invoice now in which you will find the bank details and reference number.
You may see your license order under Datei:Screenshot (325).png
You can print the invoice and your license here.