Referee draw

The referee draw can only be used when a time table was entered.

This is the overview. 
On top are the rounds for which the referees can be drawn.

Referees management.png

The left button directs to the referee overview. With the right one it is possible to assign referees to half/quarters.
That is needed for a FIE World Cup from T64 and following.

Referee Quarters.png

At the bottom are the nations/clubs of the athletes in the quarters.

To assign a referee to a quarter select the button in front of him. Q1= quarter 1, Q2= quarter 2,... .
To assign a referee to a half select the button behind him. H1= half 1 (Quarter 1&2), H2= half 2 (Quarter 3&4).
The quarters to which a referee is assigned are green.

The assigned referees are shown on the right side.
Assign referee.png
The red Button deassigns the referee from the quarter.
By pushing the "R" button the referee will only be drawn as main referee.
By pushing the "V" button the referee will only be drawn as video referee.