
All users can see their roles and functions on the right side.
If your account is associated to an athlete, you will be logged in as this automatically.
in the task bar on top, you can have the functions "Inscription" and "My account". (depending on the given rights, in Crossminton for all athletes/other sports depending on the tournaments).
If you also have a license for Ophardt Touch, tournament software, it will be  shown as well.

Inscription = Inscribe for events , tournaments
Datei:Register athlete.png
If you select "Inscriptions, the list of events will be shown. It will also show information about number of registrations, date, place,  points/level, title, ageclasses, gender and registration / preinscripiton deadlines.

Datei:registration closed.png = Registration is closed, but return of registration might be possible.
Datei:Register blue.png = Registration is open
If you want to inscribe for an event, please select in the drop down field on the left side in which categorie you like to register and select Datei:Register blue.png. Now your name will be shown in the "select" categorie at the right side. Please see further details under Administration/Inscription .
Datei:Athlete register.png

Datei:overview blue.png = Registration overview
Datei:Registration overview.png

Datei:PDF.png = PDF invitation, select to open.