Version vom 27. Oktober 2020, 16:23 Uhr von Liska.derkum (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Liska.derkum verschob die Seite Online:Administration/Payment setup nach Online:Federations/PaymentMethods, ohne dabei eine Weiterleitung anzulegen)
Please go under my federation / federation or my club / club and select payment method Datei:Payment 2.png .
Please enter here all payment details for invitations and licenses.
You may use payment by Cash, Prepaid by Bank transfer, Prepaid by Paypal.
For the setup of Paypal payment please contact
Datei:Screenshot (258).png = Please fill in the following details and check if the payment should be active for licenses and/or inscription then select save.
Now please add the bank details here and select save.
If you like you may add several payment methods, even several bank accounts for the same of for different usage.Datei:Screenshot (179).png